The Interior Designer’s Glossary
- Abrasion Wear
- Abstract
- Acanthus Leaf
- Accent Colors
- Accent Lighting
- Accessible Design
- Accessories
- Acetate
- Acorn (or Acorn Turning)
- Acrilan
- Acroterium
- Acrylic
- Adam Style
- Afghan
- Ageing
- Air Bed
- Alcove
- Almery
- Ambry
- Ambulantes
- Americana
- American Colonial
- American Country
- American Frontier (American Primitive)
- American Oriental
- Amorini
- Angel Bed
- Angora
- Aniline Dye
- Aniline-Plus
- Anthemion
- Antique
- Antique Finish (or Antiquing)
- Antique Satin
- Antron
- Apothecary Chest
- Apron
- Arabesque
- Arcade
- Area Rug
- Armoire
- Arm Caps
- Arm Chair
- Artisan Style
- Arts & Crafts
- Art Deco
- Art Glass
- Art Moderne
- Art Nouveau
- Art Print
- Asian Style
- Astragal
- Attached Back Pillow
- Aubusson
- Austrian Shade (or Austrian Blind)
- Backing
- Backsplash
- Backsplat
- Baffle
- Bagging
- Baguette
- Bag Table
- Bail
- Baize
- Bakelite
- Baker’s Rack
- Balance
- Balloon Back Chair
- Balloon Shade
- Ball Foot
- Ball & Claw
- Baluster
- Bamboo Turning
- Banding
- Bandy Leg
- Banister-Back Chair
- Banquette
- Bar
- Barkcloth
- Barley Twist
- Baroque
- Barrel Back
- Barrel Chair
- Bar Stool
- Bassinet
- Batik
- Batten
- Batting
- Bauhaus
- Bead
- Beadboard
- Beading
- Beau Brummel
- Bedding Ensemble
- Bedspread
- Bed Frame (or Bed Base/Frame)
- Bed Rails
- Bed Skirt
- Bed-In-A-Bag®
- Beidermeier
- Bench
- Bench Cushion (or Bench Seat)
- Bentwood
- Bergère
- Beveled Edge
- Bias
- Bibliotheque-Basse
- Bird’s-Eye
- Bishop’s Sleeve
- Bistro Table
- Blanket
- Blanket Chest
- Blinds
- Block Foot
- Block Front
- Block Printing
- Bobeche
- Body Impressions
- Boiserie
- Bolster
- Bombe
- Bonheur-du-jour
- Bonnell Coil
- Bonnet Top
- Bookcase
- Book Matching
- Boston Rocker
- Boucle
- Boudoir Pillow
- Boulle
- Bowback
- Bowfront
- Box Pleat (or Boxpleat)
- Box-Spring
- Bracket Foot
- Break Front
- Broadcloth
- Brocade
- Broken Pediment
- Buffet (or Sideboard)
- Bullion Fringe
- Bungalow Style
- Bunkie Board
- Bunk Bed
- Bun Foot
- Bureau
- Burjar
- Burl
- Butler’s Tray Table
- Butterfly Table
- Button Tufted
- Butt Joint
- Byzantine Chair
- Cabochon
- Cabriole Leg
- Café Curtain
- Calico
- California King
- Cambrick (or Dust Cover)
- Camelback
- Camel Hair
- Campaign Furniture
- Canape
- Cane Chair
- Canopy Bed
- Canterbury
- Capital
- Carcase
- Card Table
- Carlton Table
- Carolean
- Cartouche
- Carved Rug
- Carver Chair
- Caryatid
- Casegoods (or Case Furniture)
- Casein (or Buttermilk)
- Casement
- Cashmere
- Casing
- Cassapanca
- Cassone
- Casters
- Cast Iron Furniture
- Causeuse
- Ceiling Fan
- Centerpiece
- Center Draw
- Center Glide
- Center Rail
- Ceramic Tiles
- Certosina
- Chair and a Half
- Chair Rail
- Chaise Lounge
- Chambray
- Chamfer
- Chandelier
- Channeling
- Channel Back
- Channel Quilt
- Chased
- Checks
- Chenille
- Chesser
- Chest
- Chesterfield
- Chest on Chest
- Cheval Mirror
- Chevron
- Chiffonier
- Chifforobe
- China Cabinet (or China Hutch)
- Chinese
- Chinoiserie
- Chintz
- Chippendale
- Cinquefoil
- Claw & Ball (or Ball & Claw)
- Club Chair
- Club Sofa
- Cockbeading
- Cocktail Table (or Coffee Table)
- Coffer
- Coil Count
- Coil Springs
- Colonial
- Colonial Revival
- Colonnade
- Colorfast
- Colorwashing
- Color Scheme
- Combing
- Comb Back
- Comforter
- Comfort Layers
- Commode
- Commonwealth (or Puritan)
- Console (or Console Table)
- Contemporary
- Continental
- Continuous Coil
- Contrasting Welt
- Corduroy
- Corner Block or Brace
- Corner Cupboard
- Cornice
- Corrected Grain Leather
- Cottage Furniture
- Counter Stool
- Country Style
- Court Cupboard
- Coverlet
- Coving
- Crackle Glaze (or Craquelure)
- Credenza
- Cresting
- Crest Rail (Top Rail)
- Crinoline Stretcher
- Crocheting
- Crocking
- Cross Stretcher
- Crown Molding
- Cupboard
- Curio (Collectors Cabinet)
- Curule Legs
- Curved-Back Sofa
- Cushioning
- Cushion Drawer
- Cyma Curve
- Dado Joint
- Dado Rail
- Damask
- Davenport
- Daventry
- Daybed
- Deboss
- Decoupage
- Dentils (or Dentil Molding)
- DeStijl
- Dhurrie Rug
- Diamond Tufting
- Dinette
- Dining Room
- Directoire
- Distemper
- Distressed (or Distressing)
- Dormer
- Double Bed (or Full Size)
- Double Extra Long (or Full Extra Long)
- Dover Chest
- Dovetail
- Dowel
- Down
- Dowry Chest
- Dragging
- Drapery
- Draught Chair
- Drawer Guides (or Glides)
- Draw Draperies
- Dresser
- Drop Front
- Drop Handle
- Drop Leaf
- Drop Lid Desk
- Drop-In Seat
- Drop-In Spring Unit
- Drum Dyeing
- Drum Table
- Dry Brushing
- Dumb Waiter
- Duncan Phyfe
- Dupioni
- Dust Cover (or Cambrick)
- Dust Ruffle
- Dutch Dresser
- Dutch Renaissance
- Dutch Style
- Duvet Cover
- Dying
- Early Renaissance
- Eastlake
- Easy Chair
- Ebeniste
- Ebonize
- Eggshell
- Egg & Dart
- Egyptian
- Egyptian Cotton
- Eight-Way Hand Tied
- Elizabethan
- Embossing
- Embroidery
- Empire
- Emulsion
- Encoignure
- End Matching
- End Table
- English Regency
- English Style
- Entertainment Center
- Ergonomic
- Escritoire
- Escutcheon
- Espagnolettes
- Etagere
- European Style
- Evolute
- Eyeball Spots
- Eyelet
- Fall Front
- Fanlight
- Fan Patterned
- Farthingale Chair
- Fauteuil
- Faux
- Feather Banding
- Feather Bed
- Federal
- Felt
- Feng Shui
- Ferrule
- Festoon Blind
- Fiberboard
- Fiberfill
- Fiber Rug
- Fiddle Back
- Figuring
- Filament Lighting
- File Cabinet
- Filigree
- Filling
- Fill (or Weft)
- Finger Joint
- Finger Plates
- Finial
- Finish
- Finnish Style
- Firmness
- Flame Stitch
- Flange
- Flemish
- Flemish Scroll
- Fleur-De-Lis
- Flock Wallpaper
- Floor Lamp
- Floor Plan
- Fluting
- Fly Rail
- Foam Core
- Focal Point
- Footboard
- Foundation
- Four Poster
- Frame
- French Bed
- French Classic
- French Empire
- French Polishing
- French Provincial
- French Regence
- French Renaissance
- Fresco
- Fretwork
- Frieze
- Full Grain Leather
- Functionalism
- Futon
- Lacquer
- Ladder-Back
- Lambrequin
- Laminate
- Lap
- Lattice
- Lawson
- Lay Off
- Lazy Susan
- Leather Finishing
- Limewash
- Liming
- Lincoln Rocker
- Linen
- Linenfold Panel
- Linen-Press
- Lingerie Chest
- Lining Paper
- Linoleum
- Loft Bed
- Log Furniture
- Louis XIII
- Louis XIV, XV and XVI
- Louvered Doors
- Loveseat (or Love Seat)
- Lowboy
- Low Relief
- Luggage Stitching
- Lyre Back
- Mantel
- Mantel Clock
- Marbleizing (or Marbling)
- Marquetry
- Matchboarding
- Matelassé
- Matte Finish
- Mat Board
- Mediterranean
- Memphis
- Mirror Stand
- Mission (or Mission Style)
- Miter Joint (or Mitered Corner)
- Modern (Moderne or Modernist)
- Modillion
- Modular Seating
- Mohair
- Moiré
- Molding
- Monochrome
- Morris Chair
- Mortise & Tenon
- Mosaic Tiles
- Mother of Pearl
- Mule Chest
- Mullion
- Palladian Style
- Palladian Window
- Palmette
- Papier (or Paper Mache)
- Parquet
- Parsons Leg
- Parsons Table
- Passementerie
- Patina
- Pattern
- Pattern Repeat
- Pedestal
- Pedestal Desk
- Pedestal Table
- Pediment
- Pegged Furniture
- Pelmet
- Pembroke Table
- Pencil Pleat
- Pencil-Post Bed
- Pendant
- Pennsylvania Dutch
- Percale
- Persian Rug
- Pickling (or Pickled Finish)
- Picture Rail
- Pier Glass
- Pie Crust Table
- Pigment
- Pigmented Leather
- Pilaster
- Pilling
- Pillow Top Mattress
- Pinch Pleats (or French Pleats)
- Piping (or Welting)
- Platform Base
- Platform Bed
- Platform Foundation
- Plush
- Plywood
- Poly Dacron Wrap
- Post-Modernism
- Poudresse
- Pressboard
- Prie-Dieu Chair
- Printing
- Pub Table
- Pull-Up Leather
- Pure Aniline Leather
- Ragging Off
- Railroaded
- Rail Joints
- Rake
- Rattan
- Rayon
- Receding Colors
- Reclining Furniture
- Reeding
- Refectory Table
- Regency
- Relief
- Renaissance Style
- Restorations
- Retro
- Return
- Ribbon Band
- Ribbon-Back (or Ribband-Back)
- Rice Carved Posters
- Rietveld Style
- Rinceau
- Rococo
- Rococo Revival
- Rod Pocket
- Rolled Arms
- Roll-Top Desk
- Romanesque
- Roman Shade
- Rosemaling
- Roundabout Chair
- Roundel
- Ruching
- Ruffled Pleat (Sheer Pleat)
- Rule Joint
- Runner
- Rush Seat
- Rush Seat Chair
- Récamier
- Régence Style
- Sateen
- Sawbuck Table
- Scandinavian
- Scatter-Back Sofa
- Sconce
- Secondary Color
- Secretary (or Secrétaire)
- Secrétaire à Abattant
- Seersucker
- Segmental
- Seignorail Chair
- Self Storing Leaves
- Selvage
- Semainier
- Semi-Aniline Leather
- Semi-Attached Back
- Serpentine Front
- Settee
- Settle
- Shaker
- Sheaf-Back Chairs
- Shellac
- Sheraton
- Shield Back
- Shirring
- Shoji Screen
- Shutter
- Sideboard
- Side Chair
- Silk
- Sinuous Springs
- Sisal
- Size (Sizing)
- Skirt
- Slant-Front Desk
- Slats
- Slat Back
- Sleeper (or Hide-A-Bed)
- Sleepy Hallow Chair
- Sleigh Bed
- Slipper Chair
- Slip Match
- Slub
- Sofa
- Sofa Table
- Soft Wood
- Southwestern
- Spade Foot
- Spandrel
- Spanish Renaissance
- Spattering
- Spindle
- Spinet Desk
- Spiral Leg
- Spiral Turning
- Spiral Wave
- Spiral Welt
- Splat
- Splint Seat
- Split Leather
- Split Queen Box
- Split-Back Sofa
- Spool Bead
- Spoon Back (or Spooning)
- Springs
- Spring Down
- Squab Cushion
- Square Leg
- Staining
- Steam Bend
- Stenciling
- Stereo Cabinet
- Stickley
- Straight-Back Sofa
- Strapwork
- Stretcher
- Stripping
- Suede
- Sussex Chair
- Swag
- Swan-Neck Handle
- Swing Leg
- Swivel Chair
- Table Lamp
- Table Runner
- Tabouret
- Taffeta
- Tailored Upholstery
- Tallboy
- Tambour Desk
- Tapered Leg
- Tapestry
- Tavern Table
- Teapoy
- Tea Table
- Tertiary Color
- Three-Way Switch
- Thrown Chair
- Throw Pillow
- Thumbpiece
- Tieback
- Tight Seat
- Tight-Back Sofa
- Tilt Top
- Toile (Toile De Jouy)
- Tongue & Groove (or Matching)
- Top Grain Leather
- Torchiere Lamp
- Traverse Drapery
- Trespolo
- Trestle Table
- Tripod
- Triptych
- Trivet
- Tri-fold Mirror (or Tri-View)
- Trompe l’oeil
- Trumpet Leg
- Trundle Bed
- Tuckaway Table
- Tudor Rose
- Tudor-Elizabethan
- Tufting & Buttoning
- Turning
- Tuxedo
- Tuxedo Arms
- TV Armoire
- TV Stand
- Twill
- Twin Extra Long
- Wainscoting
- Wainscot Chair
- Wall Clock
- Wall Mirror
- Wall Sculpture
- Wash Stand
- Waterfall Skirt
- Webbing
- Wellington Chest
- Welsh Cupboard
- Welting (or Piping)
- What-Not
- Wicker Furniture
- Williamsburg Style
- William & Mary
- Windsor Chair
- Wine Table
- Wing Chair (Wing-Back Chair)
- Worm Holes
- Wrap Group
- Writing Desk